A Farmhouse Fall Home Tour

A cozy home tour with touches of farmhouse style. 
Welcome to our home, friends! 

Fall arrived early to our neck of the woods this year! Normally, summer hangs on a little while longer but this year, September has been cold and now rainy as well. That’s signaled the beginning of cozy blankest, candles, fresh from the oven comfort foods and everything pumpkin-y! Today I’m joining a wonderful group of ladies for some Farmhouse Fall Home Tours! The home tours started on Monday and there’s been so much inspiration all week and today wraps up the tour with 4 of us showing how we decorate our homes for fall. If you’re stopping by from Christine at The Frugal Homemaker, welcome! 

Before we begin, I want to tell you that decorating for different seasons doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. I stick to a budget constantly and I always shop for seasonal decor in the off season and even look at yard sales or thrift stores. So much of what you see in our home are pieces I’ve repainted and given a little TLC. (smile) 

Anyway, let’s begin in our kitchen… the heart of our home… 

Our kitchen isn’t huge but it’s well loved and there’s usually something delicious baking in here. 

I added some very simple fall touches in here including a few pumpkins on open shelves. The greenery in the flour sifter on the top shelf is from our lilac bushes in our yard. I’m not a fancy person and rarely every buy fresh flowers. I’d much rather clip them from our yard or from the side of the road. Our apple tree had the biggest crop ever this year and nothing compares to baking with these apples. Our little girl is always asking to bake something and I’ll never say no to apple crisp. It is thee very best with apples from the backyard! I also love the coziness that these Antique Candle Works candles bring to our kitchen. Not only do they smell incredible but they’re so pretty too and a little farmhouse style! This Fall Harvest one has quickly become my favorite. It’s a delicious combination of apples, cinnamon, clove with hints of vanilla and orange peel mixed in.

This scale is a new addition to our kitchen and I’ll share soon how I “antiqued”. I just added a pumpkin from Hobby Lobby and another one to a stack of plates.

This little pedestal tray was a thrift store find and I added a Momma’s Kitchen candle from Antique Candle Works, a little pumpkin and the cutest little jar my mom found for me.

Next, we’ll take a peek into our office/den. This used to be our playroom but a couple of years ago we redid it and it become our Farmhouse Style Office. It may be one of the smallest rooms in our home, but it’s one of my favorite places to relax!My husband built these shelves for me and they are so fun to decorate for each season. The ‘thankful’ sign is the perfect  reminder to count my blessings every single day. And of course I added a few more pumpkins and my favorite little green truck. 

This piano I painted is another great little spot to add some seasonal decor. 

My favorite spot in the room is right across from this piano… this mama loves listening to my sweeties play. Both our kids and my husband play the piano and I’ll never tire of hearing them practice. 

I added some faux eucalyptus from Afloral to a vintage glass jar I found at an antique sale. And last winter one of my favorite stores was getting rid of the copper colored pumpkins for less than 50 cents and I picked up a couple thinking I’d paint them! But I kinda like their color and have left them!

Right outside the office is our living room and I added some more greenery from our bushes and placed them in a mason jar on the coffee table.

I added another Antique Candle Works candle (yes, I’m slightly obsessed with them!) and some more pumpkins in a basket.The board and batten is another project my husband did and I still love it a few years later. For some extra coziness I added a few new pillows and a throw for the couch. I’ll share more of our fall decor in our living room next Monday … so be sure to come back! (or subscribe to get updates!!)

Thank you SO much for stopping in today, friends! Next up is my sweet friend, Cindy from County Road 407! I know you’ll love her home as much as I do! 

And for lots more fall inspiration here are the rest of the homes decorated for fall! Be sure to stop by and say hi to these lovely ladies! 


Making It In the Mountains | My Life From Home |

Little House of Four | We Lived Happily Ever After


 Postcards from the Ridge | Saw Nail and Paint |

Twelve On Main | Unskinny Boppy 

WednesdayMy Creative Days | Worthing Court</a |

Little Home Reloved | Craving Some Creativity 

ThursdayNorth Country Nest | The Honeycomb Home | Red Brick on the Lake |

Aratari At Home | A Blue Nest 

FridayThe Frugal Homemaker | Joy In Our Home | County Road 407 | Sand Dollar Lane 




  1. Kristi says:

    Kendra, I love seeing pictures of your beautiful home! Everything looks so cozy and welcoming for Fall. I can totally picture your family filling up that kitchen with all those delicious treats I’m always drooling over on Instagram. Thank you so, so much for organizing this beautiful Fall home tour – it was so fun to be a part of!!!

  2. Lindsay Eidahl says:

    Kendra, your home is always so pretty! I love the lights you have hanging in your kitchen and that ceiling is beautiful! The fall touches you added are so pretty! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    • Kendra says:

      Your comments always mean so much to me, Lindsay! That ceiling was hard work but so worth it (like any diy project)! ๐Ÿ™‚ So happy you stopped by!

  3. Paula says:

    Beautiful tour! I’m intrigued by your candles and your apple crisp looks so good. I’m new to your blog and am so glad that I discovered it.

    • Kendra says:

      Thank you so much, Karen! I wish I could take credit for that wall, but it’s actually wallpaper from D.Marie Designs. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope the rest of your week is wonderful!

  4. Sherlene Fisher says:

    Love your home. Very relaxing. I couldn’t wait for fall so I decorated in August. Its my favorite time of the year Thank for sharing. I found you on Pinterest

    • Kendra says:

      Aww thank you, Sherlene! That means a lot! Glad you found us and stopped by! And nothing wrong with decorating for fall in Aug- itโ€™s such a short season that sometimes I pull the decor out in Aug as well!

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